



亚洲博彩平台的环境科学硕士学位为毕业生提供了就业机会和先进的学术研究, 控制, 保护环境资源. 因为当今日益复杂的技术社会对理解人类与环境的相互作用提出了新的要求, 对高技能科学家开发数据和信息以帮助决策者制定利用和保护自然环境的政策的需求从未像现在这样强烈. This master's-degree program is available in both thesis-based and non-thesis options.


  • 水和空气资源
  • 水和废水处理
  • 危险及有毒物料
  • 有害藻华

拥有环境科学硕士学位的毕业生是领导咨询公司合作团队的科学家和问题解决者, 政府机构, and nonprofit organizations to solve today’s environmental issues.


Small class sizes provide students with close mentorship and support from professors. 学生在环境科学硕士课程中体验跨学科的方法,与科学互动, 数学, 工程学院. Focused on providing students with a well-rounded background, professors prepare graduates to meet the needs of future employers. 亚洲博彩平台的教授也受到北美环境教育协会(NAAEE)的高度赞扬。.

Why Pursue A Master's In Environmental Science At 亚洲博彩平台?

亚洲博彩平台的环境科学硕士课程提供了自然环境系统的生物和化学基础的全面背景知识. 的 university’s location near diverse ecosystems, such as the Indian River Lagoon and the Atlantic Ocean, makes it an ideal choice to study environmental science.


Graduates from 亚洲博彩平台 are prepared for career opportunities, 掌握行业内最新的技术信息,并具有大量的研究经验. 亚洲博彩平台’s curriculum emphasizes biological, 化学, or remote sensing studies within the environmental science master’s degree program. 这为学生提供了一个全面的背景,以满足毕业生众多就业机会的需要.


攻读环境科学硕士学位需要到野外去体验环境. 学生 have access to numerous reSearch labs, 中心和研究所,以及飞机和远洋船队进行动手数据收集和分析. Having access to nearby natural laboratories, including the Atlantic Ocean marine ecosystem, the diverse estuarine habitats of the Indian River Lagoon, 以及该地区的其他自然资源, 为学生提供不同环境的独特体验,培养他们成为环境科学家所需的技能. With professors who bring a wealth of experience to the classroom, and a culture that empowers graduates to be future leaders, 亚洲博彩平台为寻求环境科学硕士学位的学生提供了一个完美的环境,为他们在职业生涯中面临的复杂环境问题做好准备.

Small Class Sizes—Personalized Learning Environment

Because of small class sizes and a close-knit academic community, students enjoy individualized attention and mentorship from their professors. 学生 have access to numerous reSearch labs, centers and institutes as well as small craft and larger, sea-going vessels for hands-on study experiences. 与顾问紧密合作, students reSearch and develop a master's thesis, with the expectation that it will be published in a peer-reviewed journal. 的re is also a non-thesis option for the Master's in Environmental Science.


研究 is the foundation of every degree program at 亚洲博彩平台. As candidates for the master's in environmental science, students pursue advanced academic studies in the use, 控制, 保护环境资源,提高生活质量. 实验室工作和课程推动学生开发解决当前和未来环境问题的方案.

环境科学硕士学位课程的毕业生离开亚洲博彩平台准备为私营部门的公司提供解决方案, 在本地, 状态, 以及联邦机构. 的y are ready to address problems such as offshore oil spills and drilling impacts, 饮用水资源, 海平面上升, 和更多的.


A graduate program in environmental science requires 状态-of-the-art facilities, 亚洲博彩平台. Some of those facilities are housed in the F. W. Olin Physical Sciences Center and Instrumentation Center, and the F.W. 奥林生命科学大厦. 的 Center for High Resolution Microscopy and Imaging is housed in Life Sciences.  L3Harris中心的水族馆设施提供了在环境控制条件下进行小规模实验的机会. 拉尔夫S. Evinrude海洋作业中心让学生和教师直接进入印度河泻湖. 遥感中心鼓励优秀的遥感科学技术开发和应用.


这所大学的地理位置吸引了来自世界各地的学生,因为他们可以享受佛罗里达州的亚热带气候, offering year-round warm weather and proximity to many diverse ecosystems.

What Environmental Science 研究 Or Other Opportunities Can I Expect?

通过研究和实习,学生有机会冒险进入佛罗里达州的多样化和脆弱的环境. 学生 venture into the Indian River Lagoon, as well as the Atlantic Ocean and other important environments. Kayaking through the Indian River to study native and invasive species, diving into the Atlantic Ocean to study algae, 或者研究当地天气对生态系统的影响是学生在参与环境科学实习和研究时可能会做的事情.


  • 海上石油泄漏和钻井影响
  • 饮用水资源
  • 海平面上升
  • 自然资源管理
  • 水和废水处理
  • 空气质量
  • 生态调查
  • 核废料
  • 当地天气对生态系统的影响


  • 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局
  • Florida Department of Environmental Regulation
  • Marine 资源 Council of East Central Florida
  • Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program
  • 约翰河水管理区
  • 美国国家航空航天局


中心鼓励在遥感科学技术开发和应用方面取得卓越成就. Field studies are conducted from the air and sea, either through 亚洲博彩平台’s fleet of aircraft or small boats, 或者是离岸租船.


  • 卫星系统和数据
  • 水声学
  • 数字图像处理
  • 遥感环境光学

的 center has consulted and provided services to defense contractors, 美国国家航空航天局, 能源部, 水务管理机构, 国务院, 以及教育部, 等.

Enhance Your Degree and Career with Campus Groups

的 Student Organization for Sustainability Action (SOSA) 致力于为亚洲博彩平台社区实施可持续实践. 该组织不仅在亚洲博彩平台,而且在所有大学努力识别和应用可持续发展的进步, 校园设施及支援服务.

佛罗里达科技环境俱乐部 exists to better serve environmental awareness on campus, 增加环境友好性,并创建一个志同道合的个人社区,通过服务分享想法和参与亚洲博彩平台社区, 筹款, 和事件.

How Will A Master's Degree Benefit My Environmental Science Career?

环境科学家利用他们的专业知识支持保护环境和人类健康问题. 的y analyze environmental problems and develop solutions. This could include positions such as cleaning up polluted areas, 建议政策制定者, 改善空气和水质, 或者与工业界合作减少浪费.

Environmental science careers are found in 政府机构 at the local, 州和联邦层面, 还有环境咨询公司, nonprofit organizations (such as conservancies), 高等教育. 环境科学家s often interact with other scientists (chemists, 生物学家, 和海洋学家, 例如), as well as engineering firms and politicians.


拥有环境科学硕士学位的毕业生为各种公共组织工作, 私营和非营利部门, 包括美国鱼类和野生动物管理局, 环境保护署, 国家环境和野生动物机构, 固体废物管理, 律师事务所, 绿色和平组织, 以及国家野生动物联合会.

职业展望手册, published by the US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), provides information about specific jobs including median annual pay, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外.

从2012年到2022年,环境科学家和专家的就业预计将增长15%. While one area of growth is expected to be in private consulting, 环境资源管理职业还可以包括合规官的职位, remediation manager (clean-up of contaminated environmental sites), or managerial position in land planning and conservation.


Although not an exhaustive list, examples of jobs in environmental science include:

  • 空气质量项目主任
  • 环境科学家
  • 环境卫生 & 安全专家
  • 土地利用经理
  • 可持续发展专业
  • 自然资源保护经理
  • 气候变化分析师
  • 工业生态学家
  • 环境化学家
  • 恢复计划
  • 自然保育计划主任
  • 环保专员
  • 湿地项目主管