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Gary Burns

Professor | College of Psych. and Liberal Arts - School of Psychology

Organizational Leadership Program Chair

Contact Information

Personal Overview

Gary Burns earned his Ph. D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Central Michigan University in 2006. Gary’s research focuses on measuring and predicting individual differences and developing a better understanding of how these differences are related to organizational behavior and decision-making. Applied projects focus on refining and developing performance management systems, developing leader-culture fit, and calibrating trust in human-machine teams. Gary is the director of the Social Cognitive and Sociotechnical Behavior Modeling Laboratory and the Workplace Personality Project. The purpose of the Workplace Personality Project is to promote research into the diverse roles of personality in the workplace to better inform practitioners about how to measure and account for personality. Gary previously as an associate editor with the European Journal of Psychological Assessment and is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Business and Psychology and the Journal of Personnel Assessment and Decisions.

Educational Background

Ph.D. Central Michigan University 2006

Professional Experience

Professor, School of Psychology, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, 2018 – Present

Organizational Leadership MA Program Chair, 2022 – Present

Head, School of Psychology, 2022 – 2023

Industrial and Organizational Psychology MS & PhD Program Chair 2018 – 2022

Current Courses

PSY 2512 Psychology Research Methods and Statistics 1

PSY 5101 Statistical Research Methods 1

PSY 5102 Statistical Research Methods 2

PSY 6405 Multivariate Statistics

PSY 6414 Hierarchical Linear Modeling

PSY 6415 Statistical Analysis with R

Selected Publications

Christiansen, N. D., Robie, C., Jeong, Y. R., Burns, G. N., Haaland, D. E., Kung, M., & Kinney, T. B. (In press). Departures from linearity as evidence of applicant distortion on personality tests. International Journal of Selection and Assessment.

Harrell, C. E., Burns, G. N., King, M. C., Ridgway, W. B., Vangara, K., Hesson, Z. B., Edkins, V. A., & Morgan III, C. A. (2024). Investigating the overlapping concepts of the Dark Core and the General Factor of Personality. Personality and Individual Differences225, 112650.

Burns, G. N., DeGennaro, M. P., Harrell, C. E., Morrison, P. J., Soda, L. M., & Walters, R. (2024). Emotional manipulation in the workplace: An investigation into the indirect effects of Machiavellianism on counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs). Personality and Individual Differences221, 112568.

Bowling, N. A., Eschleman, K. J., Zelazny, L., & Burns, G. (2023). Are curmudgeon personality scales resistant to response distortion?. International Journal of Selection and Assessment31(1), 163-174.

Kinney, C., Weatherly, N., Burns, G., & Nicholson, K. (2023). Improving visual inspection, interrater agreement, and standardization with the graphic variability quotient. The Psychological Record73(1), 75-96.




Editorial Board Member, Journal of Business and Psychology

Editorial Board Member, Personnel Assessment and Decisions

Advisor Board Member, Meta-Psychology

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