Get Involved as a Community Partner
Background Information
Before Florida Tech's Civic Engagement Initiative (CEI) can share your organization's service opportunities with our students/faculty/staff, you must register your organization as a Community Partner. This process helps us ensure that we are promoting organizations that have the best interests & safety of our students, faculty, and staff as a top priority.
Benefits of Being a Community Partner with Florida Tech's Civic Engagement Initiative
By becoming a Community Partner of Florida Tech's Campus Engagement Initiative, your organization will...
- Be added to our Community Partner Database
- Have the ability to promote your service events to Florida Tech students/faculty/staff
- Have the ability to partner with Florida Tech's CEI on upcoming projects, events, and volunteer fairs
- Shoutouts and highlights on Florida Tech's CEI social media, websites, and newsletters
- Be included in a supportive network of agencies dedicated to making their communities better places to live
Community Partner Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be a nonprofit, not-for-profit, or governmental organization. Proof of organizational status (such as 501c(3) or 501c(4) document) is required
- Must be committed to the safety, learning, and personal development of Florida Tech students/faculty/staff
- Complete an annual reevaluation form to maintain Community Partner status. Reevaluations occur during May and June
How to Apply
To become a CEI Community Partner, please complete an online application. Applications can be found by following this link.
Please note this application is open to the public and does not require a Florida Tech TRACKS login to complete.
How to Post Volunteer Events
Once your application is approved, you can post Volunteer Event opportunities by filling out this form.
This form allows our Civic Engagement Staff to get your event posted on our Engage, our internal online platform that all our students use to see what's going on throughout campus (and beyond).
Additional Collaboration Opportunities
If you have additional service opportunities (such as opportunities that occur via shifts instead of a single-day event) or have other ideas on potential collaborations, please email with information about your opportunities.
For service/volunteer internships or research positions, please visit our Career Services website. There, you can post internships and research opportunities on Handshake.